Atlas of Pathological Anatomy. Пауков В.С., Серов В.В., Ярыгин Н.Е.

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Knowledge of the pathological process morphology develop the clinical thinking of a medical professional which is one of the main tasks of higher medical education. The “Atlas of Pathological Anatomy” contributes to the solution of this important task. In the “Atlas of Pathological Anatomy”, the microscopic and macroscopic changes following pathological processes and diseases are illustrated with color drawings and cell and tissue ultrastructural changes are illustrated with electron microscope images. This enables pathological process demonstration on ultrastructural, microscopic and organ levels. This principle of material presentation is of certain interest to students since the pictures focus the attention on the main changes in cells. And although these changes presented schematically, in combination with ultrastructural disorders and organ pathology in specifi c diseases illustration, the pictures enable better understanding of the disease morphological basis and the functional and structural changes

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Санкт-Петербург, Невский проспект, 28, ст. м. «Невский проспект»
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Ежедневно: с 09:00 до 23:00
в наличии 1 шт
о. «Кронштадт» Петровская улица, 16/2
Время работы:
Ежедневно: с 9:00 до 21:00
Доставим в магазин 29.03.2025
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